i've been the comment fiend lately and not a poster. i'm slacking off horribly but that's just the work talking. i really need a day off. luckily that's coming day after tomorrow. yay for wednesday! i have two shifts left at the P. then i'm done with the coffee business for at least a week, lol. we'll see if i get back into it with the big S. i really can't think of anything interesting to say right now. my creative juices were sapped with my mindless labor regime. working every day makes you apathetic and tired. but i'm doing my best to rock out my last shifts at Peaberry. wish me a bit of luck, aye?
i wish you luck.
Sara, at 11:50 PM
luck it is CUZ!
hows work without the palestinian WHORE-BOSS?
geezer squeezer!, at 11:56 AM
Okay...good luck. If the boss-lady is apathetic these days...in a subtle way insult her under your breathe...you'll feel better about yourself...trust me! Or get a lock of her hair and fashion a voodoo doll and dowse her in lighter fluid....and ...er...you know the drill.
sumo, at 11:42 PM
hehehehe! it's good enough that we broke her spirit! i said we'd do it in under a month and we totally did. it's awesome. she's been calling in "sick" because she hates our store so much now!!!
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
It's the American way! Good for you MT.
sumo, at 12:35 AM
May the luck be with you, my son.
Maja, at 1:26 AM
hehe, can't tell you've gone to star wars lately, darling. and sumo, hell yeah it's the american way! actually i was at the point of seriously inciting her ire the other day. reason being if she hit me or physically attacked me in any way (including shoving), she's automatically fired. straight up fired. but then i learned she's going to put in her two weeks here in a few days if she's not out of our store, lol. yeah baby!
Anonymous, at 6:11 AM
It's party time! Uh...I like rum...and Corona's are good too. Maybe you can get Spudbob to entertain.
sumo, at 1:01 AM
Spudboy! I guess you can see that I would like Spongebob and Spudboy to get friendly. Anyway...I'm sure Spudboy would be quite entertaining with his x-tra eyes and all.
sumo, at 1:04 AM
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