myriad of the mundane


solid, complete bullshit.

i feel the need to comment on the Imus debacle and the ensuing fallout. mostly because it should not have happened. and i'm not talking about his remarks, i'm talking about the use of him as a scapegoat.
there are a lot of things that don't work well in american society but the issue of race is very much on our minds lately. it's not a bad thing but our reactions as a society are completely wrong-headed and are, indeed, only making the problem worse.
when you single out rich white men to take down, like Mr. Richards and Mr. Imus, you certainly make quite a spectacle. but what does the power want? they want spectacle because they control and profit from them. do not think for a moment that this does anything to change our society in a meaningful way; if there was a chance that this would result in more equality it would never have gotten any coverage. all that the episode is going to result in is the scapegoating of more people and a deepend coarsening of race divisions. no doubt many people are now thinking, as i felt myself all too easily slipping into, thoughts of how black people got Imus canned. about how they made sure this issue blew up in this way. i would also be completely false if i didn't mention the fact that all of this was started by a very liberal media watchdog group. so it seems that those people who wish to free us of bias, racism and corporate greed have succeeded only in making things worse through the use of all of those three to push their agenda.
i do not consider myself to be a politically correct person. i say some very insensitive things about most minority groups. so do you, if you are honest with yourself. but i am not, and will not be, a racist. that is something i will not allow. i have accepted that while the culture i have been raised in is different from others, indeed from black culture in america, it is not better. i am not better than any living man. my experience is different but we are all Life, we are all Men, and we all think and feel and try to work for a better future. I may be different in my thinking, speech and appearance but I, like anyone else, am no more than a man and no less. that's the message that is being lost here. that is the message that should be delivered to the world. even though Don Imus, my buddy Darrell who lives on the street, my friends Gabe and Micah and myself are very different people we deserve to be treated as a whole human being deserving of respect and equal treatment. Don Imus was not treated how you or I would want to be treated in that situation. But he did not treat the Rutgers women how he would want to be treated. He made a mistake and he is sorry for it. This does not give anyone the right to treat him like a sack full of shit, ever. He, as a human being, deserves so much more from us.
Act towards others as you would have them act towards you and these problems of race, gender and denigration will dissapear.

please forgive the inevitability of the disorganization of this post. it's stream of conciousness in action.


  • It's a tangled web that no one can really undo. Sad to say...but it may be start in a good direction for this sort of thing to begin to stop. It had to happen just happened to be Imus.

    By Blogger sumo, at 1:42 AM  

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