myriad of the mundane


Dios de Los Muertos(don't know why, but it's that time)

second day down and my brain is fried. i need some burrito and a coke and then some sleep. but i do have a few hw assignments first. evidently i'm writing the first part of my paper tomorrow and i'm not sure how it's going to come out. this has got to be how residents feel when they start pulling shifts at a hospital. i'm taking in a lot of information and trying to incorporate it all. i began doubting if i'd even make the end of class today. but i made it, one more day down and 8 weeks worth of information crammed into my skull. tomorrow is midterm, lol. i'm enjoying myself but i don't know that i'd enjoy doing every class this way. it's too much too fast. perhaps if it were in two or three weeks...yeah, that'd be the one. but at any rate i now have to blow 30 min. before my ride gets here, the joys of not having a car are blooming for me! this is still the first true annoyance with it, other than that schedules have worked out quite well. i'll talk to you all soon, be well until, vale, jeremy


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