so tonight i went down on federal for pho. had a bit, got some boba and came back. now it's cinco de mayo weekend, to remind you all of an essential fact to the rest of the story. pho is down on federal in asia-town just south of mexico city #4(denver's barrio). so the street was PACKED with lowriders, suvs and every other type of a car you can imagine, all blaring bright trumpets over thundering bass. standard mexican display for a major holiday. my sister and i got our boba, walked back to my car and i proceeded, not 10 min. thereafter, to get into my first car accident. i'm developing a guilt complex. i feel bad for hitting the guy. i feel really, really bad for hurting my sister. that's the worst part of the entire thing. i probably won't have a car now and am moving 1500 miles in 5 weeks. i'm pretty well fucked. and it turned out it was my fault; in the sea of tailights, hoodlights, groundlights, headlights and mexican flags i failed to see the only red light that really mattered, which started the whole thing. And it is a terrible feeling seeing someone right in front of you and knowing there is nothing you can do to avoid hitting them. then it's 10 seconds of chaos. Airbag inflates, smoke fills the car and you scream for your sister to get out of the car scared to the point of instinctual reactions that you'll die there. i feel like the worst brother ever right now.
bummer about the car!!! but,we live and we learn.imagine if youdve been drunk!!!!!!!
hey,whats pho and boba???
geezer squeezer!, at 2:22 AM
i'm thinking it'll be alright. i'm just pissed that i wasn't paying attention. and my back hurts. and my neck. basically everything just kinda hurts clear up my spine. all i have to say is at least i got it the worst and i'm not that hurt. so life is good. and geezer, pho is vietnamese noodle soup and boba is kinda like a shake with tapioca balls in it. they're both awesome! you'll have to come visit me in seattle and you, maja, sara and i will have to go out to get some.
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
Aw dude! That sucks! I've bumped plenty of other cars in my driving career... these things happen. I hope you feel better soon.... painkillers are the go.
Maja, at 4:10 PM
yeah, life happens. what's nice is i only really wanted the car for another 2 mo. anyway. but still, bah! lol. it's basically totaled, even though i won't get anything from the insurance company. and i got a ticket, too, lol. woot woot!! but i'm really dealing with it well. changed my plans, basically. i'm waiting to see if the car is still salvageable and if it's not it won't throw me off too much. things always do seem to change on you.
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM've got my sympathy too. What a drag eh? But, it is is a lesson learned. You are in for lots of red tape now...and that's the worst...all the time it takes. At least you are all okay.
sumo, at 12:56 AM
life could be way worse. i'm basically just dropping off the insurance planet for a few years now, anyway. i just need to do it a bit quicker than i thought. and it is a lesson i needed to learn, i suppose, lol.
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
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