myriad of the mundane


anvil of stars can wait

final post before the world goes to hell for a few days. i'll be posting other stuff but it's all class related. i've been a slacker for a while and now i need to catch up. and i have two finals tomorrow. and one that evening, but that's yoga, i'll study after i get out in the afternoon. i bruised up my vocal chords last night at choir and seriously sounded just like a frog trying to speak enlgish this morning. my fingers are basically done typing after all the papers i've written and i'm tired as hell. but i'm almost done. less than a week and i'm out for a week or two of summer before summer quarter starts. it's looking like my backpack will be out in june, first week, so that'll be like the plotline of the Inferno: i'll go through hell then come back(only i'll be in an air conditioned car rocketing across the western desert). and now i've got philosophy coming up. maybe i'll go do a class blog for english for the week...i could get it done in 15, have a great time livin, i will next week, lol. until then be well.


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