myriad of the mundane


what we need is a superweapon

to dwarf all others. then our entire PLANET will be safe. from everyone but us... did you ever realize how completely idiotic human beings are in large groups? take the atom bomb, for instance. the power to kill 300,000 people at a time wasn't enough for us Americans, we had to have the ability to kill entire metropolitan areas and the surrounding country-side for 30 miles. who came up with this brilliant plan?!? seriously. if we didn't have them the USSR wouldn't have needed them and then if we hadn't needed an H bomb then they wouldn't have needed one, either. and yet, here we are spending a proposed $10.3 billion on our missile defense system that has yet to work consistently in the past decade of pouring similar sums of money into it...anyone else think it's a fucking stupid idea to defend against ICBMs when all anyone needs to kill thousands of us is a plane? anyone?!? i think it's stupid. so yeah, our ability to wipe out our own existence scares me when it's in the hands of people like Bush, bin Laden, Chirac, Putin, and mostly all those fringe dictatorships that really, really don't need them at all. Why are we so damned stupid sometimes? Why don't we spend that money we're wasting on paying off the debt? which is at a record high at something like $6-7 trillion and climbing. and what about these 'tax cuts' that have resulted in all of my friends having to PAY taxes when they're below the poverty line?!?!?! damn it!!! can't anyone be nice to the folks who don't have millions upon millions of dollars? and that brings up my final rant, i swear it, the tax code. isn't there something wrong when lawyers who specialize in taxes can't even take on the entire tax code, only a small part of it? criminal lawyers can handle a vast array of cases but tax lawyers can't even handle half the code. and a book of taxes 5 inches thick has way too many loopholes. why aren't we at the point of re-implimenting a flat tax? then you don't even really need much of a tax code. have dependents? have donations? ok, take those off and that's it. baaaaa!!! i think i'm going to go explode my blood vessels in peace now.


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