myriad of the mundane


I have lit upon the Anthropomorphic Ruins on spindle legs

The dark angel he is shuffling in/watching over them with his black feather wings unfurled/dream brother with your tears scattered round the world/don't be like the one who made me so old...

Alright, blogging for fun before my class starts. i haven't been home all day and i forgot my cell. sucks. means i'll have a few folks to call back at the end of the day here. it's alright. mostly i wanted to talk to sara. i miss her. a lot. i'm glad this is the last time. i'm glad that this is the only time i'll really remember for any time. i really want to go to boulder, utah and hike the slot canyons and escalante. really really. i have the spring fever in a bad way now. but i am really happy with how i buckled down and did my latest project. i used Dali, van Gogh, da Vinci, Goya and Picasso to show how huge the influence of Paolo Uccello was. he's the most important figure in art you've never heard of. seriously. look at that list. and all of them were influenced by his work. Monet, too, and Manet, Matisse, everyone. Even Polluck picked up a form of Uccello's influence in his eccentricities. as he said in response to being asked how he knew when he was done with a painting, "how do you know when you're done making love?" I love that quote now. it's great. but for all of you who haven't met the master of perspective, go check him out now!


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