you guys ever have moments of extreme clarity when you're ridiculously sick? because i seem to. know what i thought of last night? we humans on the whole are like one human in that each of us is a cell in a whole. countries are organs and continents are organ systems that function together to form the body of humanity residing on the earth. now what you have now is a lot of strife in the body, what would be called cancers and the like; these are people who divide the body against itself and also people who destroy other parts of this body. saddam hussein, bush, nancy pellosi, the religious right, terrorists, they are all examples of this type of human- the type that only see matters in terms of personal or sectarian gains. these are the people who don't deserve a major voice in humanity but they are the ones who always have the lion's share of the discourse. are the rest of us so timid that we wouldn't put these people out of power? i believe that we haven't proved ourselves to be anything but timid as far as politics go and that's why we're stuck with a "lesser of two evils" system rather than a system of proper repressentation of american and world civic values. and so i would propose that we stop thinking that what is good for america is good for everyone. self-interst is important but acting with the world is necessarily in our self-interest lest we be left in the dustbin of crushed countries.
Sounds the sort of thought you have when high...
SafeTinspector, at 5:26 PM
yeah, no joke. it's way funnier when you're high than when you're sick, though. it's like the gravity of your illness makes it all serious and stuff.
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM
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