myriad of the mundane


Eo Jesu Domine

I'm not quite sure how to respond to the whole "monastery experience." I liked the walking during class part. and it was new not to talk for an entire class when we were doing something. i remember a lot of ethics classes like that but that's because it was all lecture and nothing fun some days. i really thought the coolest part was looking at the set-up of the monastery itself on the overhead. i'd have liked to have seen some pictures of an actually monastery, though. i had this image in my head of what it would look like with its rough, stone walls, monks in brown working silently in the garden with the peas, in the fields with a scythe in hand. like carolyn was saying, it was like we were playing kindergarten. i had a good time with my imagination for once. that's what was the best part of the whole day.


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