myriad of the mundane


big bang?

today i was discussing an interesting but yet surprisingly simple idea with corvin. suppose, if you will, that einsteinian physics is correct and each body makes a well in the fabric of space and this is what creates gravity. suppose also that black holes do the same but make deeper wells because they are so immensely dense and have such mass. what would happen if every bit of matter slowly fell into a few black holes and those few black holes combined until only two were left. these two would necessarily be strongly attracted to each other and it is possible that these final two black holes would accelerate toward each other from opposite sides of our known galaxy. by the time these two hit each other they would be going extremely fast and the impact could set off nuclear fission or perhaps fussion. this explosion would cause all the matter of the universe would be spread out anew to form a new universe completely with new worlds and all. so cool!!


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