myriad of the mundane


ch. 16 ex.

Sentence: School libraries shouldn’t include pornography.

There are inherent flaws with this statement. First off, which schools? Colleges where the people using them are adults and should be responsible for themselves? Or elementary schools and high schools where there are minors present? Second, what’s pornography? Is it full nakedness or just the suggestion, like a wet t-shirt? What is the definition of it in the eyes of the person saying it? It could be quite different for me. So then we have to ask who’s definition do we use? Because no one could argue mine has less weight than anyone else’s argument and not be somewhat hypocritical.
So first we can attack “at which school” in this argument. At an elementary school where the kids are still young and their parents are the main people making decisions about what they do and see it could be appropriate. They are minors, they can’t get the stuff on their own. Fine. But what about college campuses? These are schools with mostly majors present, if not all majors. So how can you tell someone who can go down the street to the Lover’s Package or whatever that they can’t get this in at the library? It’s their prerogative if they want to badly to have it and aren’t afraid to show that in public. It may be kinda sad in that case but they’re more than free to do it. In the same way, if we did something like that, what could the reasoning for having any book that any person finds offensive be available in the library? Say you have an atheist who doesn’t want the bible or any other religious texts available in the library, they have a claim if we’re going to limit other kinds of literature there.
And what is porn, exactly? I mean, do we limit this to hardcore porn or do we also cut out the softcore porn? what kind of porn will we be limiting? Is softcore porn even applicable since there usually isn’t nudity? What about romance novels? I’ve seen some passages in those that are downright steamy, is that pornographic? Would not any mention of nudity be pornographic in the case of this argument?
One other point that just came to mind is this one: what about public libraries? Because if you can’t get it at the school, why not go to the public library? So do we limit these as well?


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