still working along at that story. it's taken a remarkably different form already. i changed my direction a bit. it's going alright, though.
i've been working more at chemistry. i want to get a good grade, after all. but more i just actually enjoy having something to do with myself and it's better than i remember it being during high school.
i made a better stove! it doesn't have the flame leak problems the last one did nearly as bad and i think that some jb weld will fix those problems most eloquently. i promise i will post pictures of it running like a dream.
my motorcycle should be out of the shop with a brand spanking new clutch tomorrow, i think. i hope so. i really want to hear that engine under me again. been a week since my tantalizing few days of vapor-fueled freedom. soon to be continued once more in rain pants.
that is all.
for now.
i've been working more at chemistry. i want to get a good grade, after all. but more i just actually enjoy having something to do with myself and it's better than i remember it being during high school.
i made a better stove! it doesn't have the flame leak problems the last one did nearly as bad and i think that some jb weld will fix those problems most eloquently. i promise i will post pictures of it running like a dream.
my motorcycle should be out of the shop with a brand spanking new clutch tomorrow, i think. i hope so. i really want to hear that engine under me again. been a week since my tantalizing few days of vapor-fueled freedom. soon to be continued once more in rain pants.
that is all.
for now.
You really love your little putt putt don't you?
By sumo, at 11:44 PM
perhaps. and it's more of a puttato puttato, lol. not up to full manly sound but more than a scooter.
By Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
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