myriad of the mundane


end of the week

well, that's the first week of school. i've still got a bit of french to do but other than that i'm actually caught up. Why's this you ask? because i've decided i don't want to be such an indolent slacker anymore. really. i know, i was wierded out too, lol. yeah, so i'm happy with all my classes and am actually genuinely excited to go to each and every one for a different reason. Ethics is going to be great at helping me see other people's arguments and will also increase my knowledge base in such endeavors. Microbiology is just plain amazing fun for me. I love little buggers and viruses especially. French is just completely new to me and i'm actually getting it. I'm having to work a little for that but my Latin and Spanish help a lot. Then we have English...what can i say about that? i'm already learning more about writing than four years at d'evelyn could have done. Why don't they have this book? i don't get it. i'm actually caring more about writing and reading. i'm also caring more about what i put down in writing rather than just the process of it alone. right now i'm even worried about you, dear reader, slogging through my boring blog. things on the homefront are looking good. Sara is sad, of course, but then so am i at being alone again. seems to be a half normal way of being to me anymore. her b-day is monday and i'm all happy for it, lol. i've been waxing reflective on our experience as this juncture. it's amazing to know someone for so short a time and yet to feel like they've always been there. it's wierd to think of a world without sara. really wierd. so yeah, school is helping me take my mind off of her for short times and then thinking of her is helping me with school. it's almost an odd paradox but it works for me. i'm ready to have a few days to just work and read and enjoy myself. pho is in the plans for sunday down off of federal. i hear it's the best in town so i'm going to go see. i had some good pho tonight, though, so i'll last that long. other than that it's back to slaving for the espresso deprived for three days. i'll see you all next week, toodles


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