myriad of the mundane


lyric of the leaves

The leaves roll in front of the lights
Leaving a nearly silent symphony as they tumble
And complain to the indigent wind
That he might not pass by a rich man this time.
And that they not steal some of his gold
For their raiments were most poor.
Their mottled rags weren't near enough
To protect them from the weather
And the rain that night had passed right through
And left them all to shiver.
And when they shivered they found they fell
straight off the branch they knew
Only to be carried away by the wind
As he wispered of his poor lot here.
As they spiraled into the dark
You could barely hear them say
"Why is it now, you wicked wind,
That you take us all away?"
"So that you know that what you have
Is more than most are meant
And so that you can appreciate
Your luck." was all he said
And nothing more would he say
For they pressed him most severely
But his lips would purse and stay
Shut like the doors of winter arriving.


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