there is a world beyond the world that you see
Alright, went and saw what the bleep do we know? finally tonight. it's a great, mindbending movie. they talk about things that kinda make sense but that really, really stun you. one of the things is that if you believe, with every fiber of your being, that you can walk on water you will indeed walk on water. so i raises the really interesting question. since god became man, can we now transcend to the level of consciousness of jesus? it seems almost blasphemous. but at the same time if we indeed are created in his image and have that basis for a perfect life...then we really ought be able to. it's very crazy and i honestly want to just go read books on quantum theory right now. then i want to read about relativistic theory. then i want to try to reconcile them. not that i'll actually succeed because they're so different. i mean, you have one that's governed by us, our thoughts and our intentions. and the other that is governed by math and the laws of physics, mostly. and you have to somehow find the mathmatical way of expressing chaos, basically. but it'd be so much fun to try it! i love making my brain work all hard like that. it's very invigorating. i really really want to get into a physics classroom for a bit right now, lol. oh, and i totally love microbiology! yeah, baby. i actually explained why you would use the phase contrast setting to visualize one of the things in the movie. and i did it fairly clearly and logically and simply. it's so great knowing your shit. so yeah, go see the movie and make sure to enjoy it, too. i like the old guy from UCLA, lol. you'll know the one when you see him. and i also like the anesthesiolgist from AZ (?) who wonders where his patients go when they go under. i thought that was a great reason for getting into quantum physics, lol. but yeah, no string theory in this movie, i was a bit unhappy, lol. so yeah, i'm going to say that i'm back to loving my classes and that i'm very excited for having tue. off. i'm also very excited for this class. you can tell, i'm always super energized during the periods. if i could only focus it on the task at hand...we'd all be very bored people, lol. so yeah, have a great night, ciao.
heyheyhey! thanks for writing back on my bloggeroonie. anywho no, i cant say ive seen that movie nor have i even heard of it. but it sounds pretty interesting from what you say. maybe i shud get on that. yep on my side of the border its actually really extremely dull. as soon as i can im outta here. honestly, theres nothing for me here so i guess i gotta jet from this city and find out whats more out there. How do you like where you live? well write back if ya want. hows life goin?
lil-miss-vixen, at 12:23 PM
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