so i had a decent weekend. i've decided i'm way too excited about my microbes. just had a nice french test and if you speak any let me just say this, it was certainly mechant. accent grave over the e. lol. so yeah, i did feel better prepared for this one even despite not going at all last week, lol. i'm really a bad person. but i slept for 14 or so hours on mon. and then wed. was merely test prep that wasn't going to help me, anyway. so i just stayed home and relaxed and studied and called it good. yeah. i'm going to go ahead and post the hw on here tonight...i've been slacking and haven't transfered it here from my paper. oh well, killing trees needlessly is my job as a student. so i was all ready for voting and then i had to go get more information that has once again thrown my presidential choice into doubt. i feel so trapped this election. on the one hand you have bush, who is very consistent but possibly to a fault, who repressents my views on some issues but not all and who has taken us to war against a country we really didn't need to go into even if it will be good in the long term and even if saddam is gone now. but then you have kerry, who also represents some of my views in that he does consider new information and how it will affect his decisions, who wants stronger domestic policy and who has experience in war bush is sorely lacking in. but then again, he has put aside his morality to succeed in the public arena, if he can do that can he not also put his current views asside just as easily? so i'm not completely sure who i'm voting for there. everything else is locked in, just not that race...perhaps i should fix that tonight, lol... and i totally just finished "that hideous strength" the ending was weak, i thought. but then again he usually seems to build up slowly and wrap the story up quickly. i suppose he's just toying with me as a reader, building me up and making me expect a really great ending and then doing the ending i thought might happen but secretly hoped wouldn't. you know how you think you know the ending but then these twists at the end make the book immensely more pleassurable in hindsight? he didn't do that, lol. he left the ending open because history is still being made and the world is always changing...but it's not very fun for me as the reader, lol. but ok, i'll stop now, just go read the book it's worth every page! and i'll see you all tomorrow, vale
Kerry isn't "setting aside his own morality." He merely believes that protecting basic consititutional rights is the job of the president. Moreover, he doesn't see it as his place to tell others how to conduct their private lives.
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM
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