so yeah, i totally couldn't get onto this thing yesterday. i tried for over half an hour through all the alternative paths i could think of, but no dice. so luckily today it's better. i definitely gave blood yesterday. then i definitely had my first experience with blacking out in the chair as they drained me. i don't really know quite what happened, i think it was the tea that ended up doing it. i felt like i was totally going to puke everywhere and then i started feeling lightheaded. i heard the nurse telling me to keep my eyes open. i didn't follow the direction. i went into some wierd ass dream i can't quite rememeber and woke up completely confused beyond all belief. i heard a lot of talking...well, not quite talking, more sounds that might be considered speech if i had any idea what they were saying. and then things started to come clearer and i couldn't figure out where i was. as i now recall, it was a dream about being in seattle and just waking up there, completely warm and comfortable. so that made this entire experience all the crueler as i woke up only to realize i wasn't waking up warm and in bed in my fav. city but instead i was in a sterile meeting room here at school with cold towels and scrub-clad people saying my name and bustling about. sucked. i had a headache until this morning that's just now starting to go away. but i gave another pint! that's all that really matters about the whole thing, i'm helping someone else.
great post..great blog. Keep rockin.
Michael, at 11:17 AM
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