I want my raft to be built from long, thin straws
hey, i just found this quote today and it's not only the absolutely perfect simile but it's also fucking hilarious!
" Hiroshima signaled a failure of humankind, not just of the United States. The growth of technology has far outstripped our ability to use it wisely. Like a quarrelling group of monkeys on a leaky boat, armed with sticks of dynamite, we are embarked on an uncertain journey.
Humanity's best chance of survival lies in creating taboos against the manufacture of nuclear weapons- such as those that already exist for chemical and biological weapons- and to work rapidly toward their global elimination."
Pervez Hoodbhoy: member of the Pugwash Council and professor of nuclear and high-energy physics at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
On to other pressing matters. What's everyone think of Roberts? i'm looking at you, sumo, but anyone may answer!
i personally actually do like the guy. deep in my heart i'm a bleeding heart strict constructionist. for one thing, we wouldn't have any issues with the PATRIOT Act if we were all strict constructionsists, lol. it's completely unconstitutional.
but at any rate, i think that he's a good choice. he's not going to be an activist judge. yes, he's very conservative and yes he'll vote against a lot of things like homosexual marriage if it ever comes to a supreme court decision but at the same time he has stated that he'll follow the legal precedent of the land. guess what part of that is? Roe-v.-Wade. i'm with him, i don't like the idea of it but i recognize that the option should remain out there. this is not to say that i agree with him about why it should remain. i am very much on the side of the right to choose. i don't believe the government had any business fucking with peoples' lives like that in the first place! the fact that we would even attempt to push morality in this country anymore is silly. we lost our moral authority in the 60's and it's not coming back any time soon.
sara's sitting here complaining that i'm spending too much time online. so i'm going to finish this up.
life is still happy here, don't worry. i've adjusted well and am loving the beach (we went down there today and i walked around and skipped rocks in the Sound, an activity that i love a bit too much.) tomorrow is...let's get off my ass and do something fun day. i'll let you know what happens as soon as possible.
i'll be checking in with you soon.
that is all.
" Hiroshima signaled a failure of humankind, not just of the United States. The growth of technology has far outstripped our ability to use it wisely. Like a quarrelling group of monkeys on a leaky boat, armed with sticks of dynamite, we are embarked on an uncertain journey.
Humanity's best chance of survival lies in creating taboos against the manufacture of nuclear weapons- such as those that already exist for chemical and biological weapons- and to work rapidly toward their global elimination."
Pervez Hoodbhoy: member of the Pugwash Council and professor of nuclear and high-energy physics at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
On to other pressing matters. What's everyone think of Roberts? i'm looking at you, sumo, but anyone may answer!
i personally actually do like the guy. deep in my heart i'm a bleeding heart strict constructionist. for one thing, we wouldn't have any issues with the PATRIOT Act if we were all strict constructionsists, lol. it's completely unconstitutional.
but at any rate, i think that he's a good choice. he's not going to be an activist judge. yes, he's very conservative and yes he'll vote against a lot of things like homosexual marriage if it ever comes to a supreme court decision but at the same time he has stated that he'll follow the legal precedent of the land. guess what part of that is? Roe-v.-Wade. i'm with him, i don't like the idea of it but i recognize that the option should remain out there. this is not to say that i agree with him about why it should remain. i am very much on the side of the right to choose. i don't believe the government had any business fucking with peoples' lives like that in the first place! the fact that we would even attempt to push morality in this country anymore is silly. we lost our moral authority in the 60's and it's not coming back any time soon.
sara's sitting here complaining that i'm spending too much time online. so i'm going to finish this up.
life is still happy here, don't worry. i've adjusted well and am loving the beach (we went down there today and i walked around and skipped rocks in the Sound, an activity that i love a bit too much.) tomorrow is...let's get off my ass and do something fun day. i'll let you know what happens as soon as possible.
i'll be checking in with you soon.
that is all.
i dont know a thing about american politics.
next time sara complains like that,throw her to the floor and make love to her.if you do it every time she'll soon learn her lesson!
geezer squeezer!, at 7:43 AM
that could be a fun feat...i think i'll do that next time.
i'm sure you know our basic system but just don't realize it.
basically i'm talking about two things here: the PATRIOT Act (aka the worst thing to happen to liberty since hitler) and our latest nominee to the Supreme Court, a certain judge by the name of Roberts, Jr.
Patriot Act basically gives the government the right to search any home without a warrant or notification of the person whose property was searched, gives them line tapping freedoms, freedoms to detain suspected "terrorists" indefinitely and the like. basically it's the basis of most of our human rights problems right now.
Judge Roberts is Bush's pick for the Supreme Court. it's the final arbiter of disputes in this country. it picks the cases it hears and then delivers the final verdict. the body of judges is especially fixated on the Constitution and the implimentation and protection of the ideas therein. Roberts is a strict constructionist meaning he follows the letter of the law with very little interpretation. Liberal judges tend to be loose constructionists and interpret the law as it pertains to each situation. liveral judges are often the more active reformers. civil rights, gay rights, abortion rights- there have been so many new rights that it's scary here in the U.S.- are all based on liberal decisions.
but now it's off to drink tea and plan my attack on sara's defenses later on, lol. toodles!
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM
Okay...let's see if I have all my ducks in a row here. Roberts...uh...let me see...oh yeah...I thought he said he'd have to recuse himself about Roe vs Wade. I may have gotten that confused with something else. I think the concensus out there is that he'd vote against R v W. And that!...would be just about the worst thing to happen to liberty next to Hitler! No...I take that back...the Shrub administration is the worst thing since Herr Schicklegruber and his goose-stepping zombies.
sumo, at 1:44 AM
let's just say if he says that he'll face a hell of a fight in commitee. past that his decision for judicial restraint appeals to me. the fact that everyone thinks he's a conservative but they can't say they know it for sure is good. that means that he's strict in his beliefs. add to that the fact that he's a strict constructionist and i think that you have a judge who will be very conservative and yet fair.
what i don't like about him is that his image is too damned good.
oh! and he looks like my creepy American History and Government/Economy teacher in high school.
mostly it's about the high school.
and to insinuate that any less than the Rapture itself could make more of a mark than our dear shrubby on the face of liberty and democracy is a knowing lie.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
sumo, at 2:08 PM
figured you'd at least get a little kick out of that.
i've decided that i'm going to purchase this shirt i want after over a year of wanting it.
it's awesome.
there are a few other witty shirts but mostly i don't like the others. i've been thinking that it needs a redesign by yours truly to make it just that extra special feeling. the site, if you'd like a laugh because they haven't updated in forever is... http://www.casualconservative.com/
enjoy it.
Anonymous, at 3:04 PM
I just got a new t-shirt from cafe-press and it says..."Bush lied...People died", the picture has a field of soldiers boots like they are tombstones in Arlington Cemetary. i haven't worn it out yet...but I will...oh yes...I will!
sumo, at 11:31 PM
Okay...okay...I just went to that site, and I guess you got me there! Zip it Hippie! How did you know I was a tree hugger?
sumo, at 11:35 PM
haHA!! i really am a NUT too, as my friend micah called me. i love the outdoors and am active in its preservation. part of why i work where i do.
on the hippie thing, i think that the main thing is that i had the most raging hippie hair for the last few years. i'm talking bangs down past my chin and hadn't been cut in 10 months kind of hair. but now i'm a bit cleaner. i figure i have to look somewhat decent until my beard comes in. but then it's time for hair madness!
as far as your shirt i can't say that it's something i'd dig. the "Bush lied" lines have worn thin to me. it's time for something new and different. something about how they can only tell the truth when they're clearly flouting the law or something like that. i don't know. i'm not randy rhodes or anything, lol.
Anonymous, at 12:07 PM
Well...they didn't have much more to offer. I was mainly buying to help promote the "Big Brass Alliance"...you know...contribute to a worthy cause and all. And the thing is he did lie...the manic!
sumo, at 12:41 AM
yeah, i know. but i can still get the 'zip it hippie' shirt if it's not a good cause, right? lol. i'm going to get it at some point this winter when i've got hair that's more hippie-ish because i think it's fucking hilarious. almost as good as two anti-PETA shirts i've seen: PETA- People for the Eating of Tasty Animals (is that not priceless?!?) and For Every Animal You Don't Eat I'm Going to Eat Three! with a toucan, a koala and a small monkey in a pot ready for the stove. i like that one a lot just because it's such a smart ass thing to put on a shirt.
Anonymous, at 9:52 PM
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