i've become quite the psychic hitchhiker of late. i'm just browsing around when i'm not immersed in my chemistry and picking up the very best ideas i can manage to find. it's only because my brain is tired of trying to categorize everything i take in on a daily basis. that and the world itself just seems to be falling apart at the hands of men. men not so unlike me. sara brought to my attention the other day that i'm a terrible recycler. it's very true and it's very shocking. it's not because i don't try, it's because eating is one of the few things i let my brain rest during. that and sleep are about the only times i allow myself not to think. i've been trying to motivate myself to get back to my homework and all that jazz but i'm sick and tired of doing what i'm told. i've been at it too long and i just need to escape. i'm not a social creature when that's all the society i get. control is not the aim of existence.
School overload! But you've got to do it or you'll hate yourself...
sumo, at 1:07 AM
i just got finished with my lab final and turned in my notebook. i did a bit of extra credit and i'm finishing my last lab writeup tonight then my lab grade is in the shitter or in the passer and there's not a thing to worry myself about it. feels good to be there finally.
Anonymous, at 4:30 PM
Good for you!
sumo, at 2:18 AM
thanks, but i'm not out of the woods yet, just on the path and wondering how long it's gonna be, so to speak.
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
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