well, i reckon it's time to check back in with you all. so as such i'm posting and making my rounds most thoroughly tonight.
just got home from work a bit ago. good times. i can't wait to move out to where i can really get to know what i'm selling to folks. that's always the best feeling: knowing what they want and knowing exactly what to give them. by now micah is half-way or thereabouts through boot camp. can't wait to hear from him. it's been an odd void not being able to just go up the street and see him. i suppose that's what happens when you know someone for most of your life. i really do hope he makes it out of the marines without permanent harm done to him- body or mind. my family will be out here for a week and a half but i won't really get to see them that much. i was going to request some time off but the schedule was made before i got in so i'm working the days they'll be in Edmonds. they're out on the ocean for a week before that. maybe i can switch shifts around so that i can see them. i really hope so. i've been back on the exercising routine more lately. and i just got a shirt to help me in my exploits. it's going to be great. it's coolmax. it cost me $16; it's a $32 shirt. i love my discount! that's two shirts that i've gotten for the price of that one. it's amazing. it's great. i'm going to buy a raft.
seriously about the raft, though. that's the next purchase because i really want to go paddling out on the Sound. this is mostly because i've never been so near to so much water in my life.
remember that i come from a state that is classified as desert or nearly for every area within its borders. a huge lake is a resevoir that's over a mile long. we don't have water like the Sound or ocean. so it's a shock. and it's a nice shock. and i want to go our rowing on it.
so yeah. life in a nutshell.
never does live up to what's floating around in your head, does it?
and it just feels like a boring list of things i need to get from the store or something.
oh! and i need some cheese.
that is all.
just got home from work a bit ago. good times. i can't wait to move out to where i can really get to know what i'm selling to folks. that's always the best feeling: knowing what they want and knowing exactly what to give them. by now micah is half-way or thereabouts through boot camp. can't wait to hear from him. it's been an odd void not being able to just go up the street and see him. i suppose that's what happens when you know someone for most of your life. i really do hope he makes it out of the marines without permanent harm done to him- body or mind. my family will be out here for a week and a half but i won't really get to see them that much. i was going to request some time off but the schedule was made before i got in so i'm working the days they'll be in Edmonds. they're out on the ocean for a week before that. maybe i can switch shifts around so that i can see them. i really hope so. i've been back on the exercising routine more lately. and i just got a shirt to help me in my exploits. it's going to be great. it's coolmax. it cost me $16; it's a $32 shirt. i love my discount! that's two shirts that i've gotten for the price of that one. it's amazing. it's great. i'm going to buy a raft.
seriously about the raft, though. that's the next purchase because i really want to go paddling out on the Sound. this is mostly because i've never been so near to so much water in my life.
remember that i come from a state that is classified as desert or nearly for every area within its borders. a huge lake is a resevoir that's over a mile long. we don't have water like the Sound or ocean. so it's a shock. and it's a nice shock. and i want to go our rowing on it.
so yeah. life in a nutshell.
never does live up to what's floating around in your head, does it?
and it just feels like a boring list of things i need to get from the store or something.
oh! and i need some cheese.
that is all.
How about some porn with that cheese? There's a blog of a guy in Las Vegas that loves porn and cheese. He maintains all that porn can't watch itself. He was controversial it seems and has taken a hiatus.
sumo, at 12:46 AM
yeah, Mr. Underhill!
read his blog that goes something like "if you had a dildo made of cheese would it be a quesadildo?" one of the funniest things i've EVER, ever read. but then he was hitting on this girl my sister's age (that's 13 since i never told you) and i wrote him off as a guy whos ass i'd kick if i saw him. it's the big brother reaction.
oh wow, just remembered something i forgot! it'll be there by the time you come back, i promise. see if you can find it!
oh! and the P-I had a little piece talking about how great Ms. Rice has been in her office. i almost laughed because she is way too ugly to be written off. kinda like Ms. Albright. like you'd cede anything just to get out of the room and see normal looking women. and i'm totally not kidding. she's butt ugly. she looks like an imp. oh...foot in the mouth...
Anonymous, at 9:56 PM
How do you know he was hitting on a 13 year old? Did he blog it and I missed it? He sure got some people ticked off. I'm still thinking about the questions I want to ask you...because they really have to be...uh...just right...ya know? So twist and turn on this a few days until I get my mojo working. We old hippies take a little longer...er...to get going. And yes...I am issuing a challenge buddy!
sumo, at 1:34 AM
haha. let me tell you, having troubles revving up the engine isn't a problem unique to older folks.
the reason i say that is because he kept leaving suggestive comments on this girl meghan's blog. she's since discontinued it so i can't go garner evidence, unfortunately.
basically he was just being a creep on her blog and the funny man on his own. double life? maybe.
and being that i'd have been a hippie if only in the right era i understand things about it more than a lot, lol. also, being an enviro-nut i'm on the insider's inside.
or so i'd like to believe...
with the power of soul,
anything is possible!
Anonymous, at 1:56 PM
Hey mystery, I missed ya! Good to finally hear from you. I've been reading mr underhill's blog for a while, and I came to the conclusion ages ago that he was a jerk. I wanted to stop reading him, but I continued to be drawn. I think he makes suggestive comments on several chicks blogs.
Maja, at 9:39 PM
sup mystery!?!?! good that youre good brother.
dude,stay away from water.all those fish are shittin and fukking in it.
but i suppose i would if i could.
geezer squeezer!, at 10:48 PM
Here are your questions Gaylord MT...
1- If you could have any car in the world, what would it be?
2- Who is the person you'd most like to punch in the mouth...and why?
3- Book(s) you've tried to read but just couldn't get through, but you'll finish another time?
4- What period in history would you most like to visit...and why?
5- What would be your ideal job?
The rules:
1) Leave me a comment saying interview me please.
2) I will respond by asking you five questions. ( not the same as you see here.)
3) You will update your blog/site with the interview questions.
4) You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
sumo, at 3:07 AM
ha! that's me! I deleted my original blog and I came back. I'm not 13, but I'm 1/2 his age I think.
well, anyway, rafting seems fun.
m.m., at 5:11 PM
hiyo all! i've been sadly away doing work. i just got done with my second shift of my clinical rotation AND closed at REI. 13 hours on my feet on 5 hours of sleep means that i'm behaving like some of my clients in the rehab center. i'm kinda staring off into space a lot.
Maja, almost type maya...yeah, thinking of what timeframe i'd want to go visit...Mr. U is a total creep who makes me sick to think he's so fucking funny. kinda like jeff foxworthy.
Geezer: may i point out to you that you're shitting and fucking in the air so it's got to be equally poluted? because i totally know that it's nasty first hand. so i don't feel bad swimming in fishy poo.
Sumo! i'll be responding to the questions promptly. i really look forward to letting the world know what goes on between my big, radio-dish-esque ears.
and finally, butterscotch, i know that you're older than that. i'm sorry for the mistake, i just get worked up and all that. but....i'll be around to check in in a day or maybe two.
or maybe tonight!
Anonymous, at 10:07 PM
poo spores too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geezer squeezer!, at 4:56 AM
just think of this one thing the next time you smell anything nasty, geezer: if you can smell it that means you're breathing it.
Anonymous, at 12:43 AM
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