5 Questions with Sumo
1. If you could have any car in the world, what would it be?
for me it would be something that makes sense. like grabbing a bmw smart car until the hydrogen cell cars come out. the reason for all this is that i accept my own place in creating environmental trends with my consumption of goods. most people do not think of the difference they could make in the world just by driving something efficient. why should businesses be the only ones concerned with efficiency?
2. Who is the person you'd most like to punch in the mouth... and why?
it would have to be either bill o'reilly or anne coulter. and don't correct my spelling it it's wrong, i don't care, remember that i want to punch these guys in the mouth.
reasons being that they fuel ignorance and narrow thinking, assail the rules of logic and argument established and followed by the philosophers of every age and then become offended and use impassioned pleas to feelings to counter any argument that logically defeats their own. the kicker is that for years they've decried the democratic party's use of these exact tactics. but bring it up and they'll assail your patriotism. so just shut the fuck up! it's what they're hoping you'll do.
3. Book(s) you've tried to read but just couldn't get through, but you'll finish another time?
Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation," "29th Let's Go!," the Old English version of "Beowulf," Tacitus' "The Annals of Imperial Rome," Caesar's "De Bellum Gallicum" in the original Latin, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie".
4. What period of history would you most like to visit... and why?
the times of the Peloponesian War, founding of Rome and attempted conquest of Greece by Persia. as to why i will say that i want to see the look on a man's face when he has to kill a man by his own hand even though he has no reason to hate the man he is killing, to see what may be the most momentous event in recorded history and to witness the power of hope, faith and willing sacrifice in the most eloquent expression i've ever read of. also because i'm a total latin nerd... yeah, i'll hang my head a bit at that.
5. What would be your ideal job?
i want to be that lucky bastard that gets to name new colors!!
i'm completely serious. i've long thought that that has to be the greatest job ever.
think about it: all you have to do all day is throw a color name together with some random object that pops into your mind. like...roadhouse blue or tannin taupe or burnt espresso. best. job. ever.
and now, the rules:
1) Leave me a comment saying interview me please.
2) I will respond by asking you five questions. ( not the same as you see here.)
3) You will update your blog/site with the interview questions.
4) You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
for me it would be something that makes sense. like grabbing a bmw smart car until the hydrogen cell cars come out. the reason for all this is that i accept my own place in creating environmental trends with my consumption of goods. most people do not think of the difference they could make in the world just by driving something efficient. why should businesses be the only ones concerned with efficiency?
2. Who is the person you'd most like to punch in the mouth... and why?
it would have to be either bill o'reilly or anne coulter. and don't correct my spelling it it's wrong, i don't care, remember that i want to punch these guys in the mouth.
reasons being that they fuel ignorance and narrow thinking, assail the rules of logic and argument established and followed by the philosophers of every age and then become offended and use impassioned pleas to feelings to counter any argument that logically defeats their own. the kicker is that for years they've decried the democratic party's use of these exact tactics. but bring it up and they'll assail your patriotism. so just shut the fuck up! it's what they're hoping you'll do.
3. Book(s) you've tried to read but just couldn't get through, but you'll finish another time?
Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation," "29th Let's Go!," the Old English version of "Beowulf," Tacitus' "The Annals of Imperial Rome," Caesar's "De Bellum Gallicum" in the original Latin, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie".
4. What period of history would you most like to visit... and why?
the times of the Peloponesian War, founding of Rome and attempted conquest of Greece by Persia. as to why i will say that i want to see the look on a man's face when he has to kill a man by his own hand even though he has no reason to hate the man he is killing, to see what may be the most momentous event in recorded history and to witness the power of hope, faith and willing sacrifice in the most eloquent expression i've ever read of. also because i'm a total latin nerd... yeah, i'll hang my head a bit at that.
5. What would be your ideal job?
i want to be that lucky bastard that gets to name new colors!!
i'm completely serious. i've long thought that that has to be the greatest job ever.
think about it: all you have to do all day is throw a color name together with some random object that pops into your mind. like...roadhouse blue or tannin taupe or burnt espresso. best. job. ever.
and now, the rules:
1) Leave me a comment saying interview me please.
2) I will respond by asking you five questions. ( not the same as you see here.)
3) You will update your blog/site with the interview questions.
4) You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Well...that was completely and utterly fabulous! Those are some great answers my friend. I actually tried to limit myself in some of my answers. In my questions I could have gone on and on about meeting people alive or dead and talking to them. I realized later that I forgot to say why I wanted to go back to Henry Tudor's time.
I once owned a 1955 Porsche Speedster, I bought it in the 80"s...what a car! My 2nd and current husband didn't care about cars (imagine!) so I eventually sold it to a collector in Fresno, Ca.
Just a little insight into the hidden regions of oneself...very interesting MT.
sumo, at 11:49 PM
awesome ideal job.'hmm,that looks like a stirling shade of turdly crepe fawn'.
interview me please.
geezer squeezer!, at 5:00 AM
awesome ideal job.'hmm,that looks like a stirling shade of turdly crepe fawn'.
interview me please.
geezer squeezer!, at 5:00 AM
ok ok!! i pressed 'login and publish' twice!
geezer squeezer!, at 5:00 AM
hehe, i see that, geezer.
as you probably already know, the questions are posted...
Anonymous, at 12:44 AM
Interview me?
I haven't done anything like this before so I'd like to give it a shot.
Christopher D. Bate, at 12:14 PM
professional color namer would be THE best job ever
m.m., at 6:35 PM
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