myriad of the mundane


well all, fall has arrived and with it a new hat i've just finished. knitting is a pretty good hobby to have around here what with the coming of the short days, long nights and almost constant cloud cover. honestly i'm really digging it. not as much as the one i made for sara but it's more me than hers was her. hers was a very simple little thing, 2 2 rib all the way up with a simple but cool pattern set up by the yarn she chose- cascadia yarns is the brand and they are FANTASTIC!

so past that...motorcycle valves are ticking right where they should be, master cylinder and seals are next. i'll be doing one and a professional the other. going to be talking to slave to the needle since i haven't got any more sun or swimming to look forward to for a while now and... it's gonna be a great winter. i can already feel it.
i adore winter. it's a great season. i don't really have a favorite season, i guess, but i don't really favor summer all that much. i like the cool, cold and changing seasons.
hopefully everyone out there is doing fabulously, i'm sure i'll be talking to you all soon.


i've got turn signal lust.
and i know that sounds very funny but it's very true. i want these turn signals but i have to save my tips for them. but they will be brighter, more energy efficient and just plain better looking than the current set.
past that i've been working like a madman. put in about 24 hours in the past two days. i'm not exhausted but i'm certainly not my spunky self, either. can't wait for a break this thursday and friday. i think i may go camp out because the weather is supposed to be ideal. we'll see.
that's all the more i'm going to say for now. i've got to go check up on you all!