myriad of the mundane


i just told my dad that sara and i are probably going to be moving in with each other. i am so nervous. i figured while i was at it i'd explain why i don't believe in God and ask him his views on free will and revelation. HA! i am so nervous about it now!!
you know that fear of disapproval from your parents? i really hate feeling that. still, i'm learning to deal with it because i have to live in a way i think is right. it may not be the same as their views but it'll at least be reconciled with my conscience.
i figure that if micah's folks can wrap their heads around him marrying a girl he's only known for a few months my parents can get over my moving in with my girlfriend and best friend of three years, right???


so, if you guys are ever up here visiting remind me to take you to romio's pizza because it's got some of the best pizza around. i really didn't feel like adding any punctuation for that last sentence so that's what you get right there. deal with it.
it's looking like i've got a job coming at tully's down in the U District. it'll be just like peaberry (job of old) and that's ok with me. at least i don't have to learn anything different in the way of skills.
past that i've just been enjoying our FABULOUS weather pattern this week. basically it goes like this: dump buckets of rain while jeremy is going to and from school then get all nice once he's hypothermic and under a blanket with no plans of getting up until dinner. yeah. fantastic.
i guess i just made up for the lack of punctuation above with some overpunctuation there... sweet!


ok, two orders of business here before the drivel about life, y'all.
first, go here! it's funny. i promise with my heart crossed.
second, go here! it's less funny but more pragmatically useful against those "compassionate" types! now i'm not one who enjoys sweeping generalizations but i think we could all generally use this advice. i know i can. and it brings up a very good point and probably hits part of why we're bankrupt as a democracy in the world right now. want to know why people don't listen to us? i can't tell you the whole answer but i'm going to bet this is a part of it. we claim equality but maintain a lower class of servants. servants. we haven't supposedly had those since the civil war.
you think they want you reading that link? hell no. but at least we still have freedom of the press, y'all!
i think it may be next right after privacy, which is almost gone.
i'll conclude by saying a few words: had a test i think went decently, been loving riding my motorcycle but baking in the black, insulated leather and the sun, have begun looking for another job since i can't get hours at REI, have come to the startling feeling of stagnation and dying a bit each day to no avail. help, i think i'm becoming a nihilist!


This is one of the most beautiful, concise and well crafted statements ever penned by human hand:
"Every gun that is made, every warship that is launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron." - Dwight D. Eisenhower


i'm beginning to think that maybe i should run for public office just for the hell of it. get my name out for a local election and tell the people why i should be allowed to get into the whole government thing. it'd be fun and yet i think i'd be attacked based on my age...just a hunch.
i suppose since my own views are still nacent perhaps i should wait a bit for them to settle themselves down before such an endeavor.
oh, and i'm going to be on-sighting 5.10s by the end of the summer! personal goal there.
that's all because i have to go to work now, y'all.


i'm fucking tired.
that is all.