myriad of the mundane


so it's been a while since i posted.
i've been talking to the folks about the move. they've raised some good points but i'm going to move in with sara after we talked all of them through to satisfaction. so it's down to the U District in august right after i get home from the family trip.
past that i started in at tully's, which is where i'm headed here in a few minutes to do my final closer before i get keys to the store. so that's fantastic.
past that life is as per usual although i'm pissed about the lack of concern over the environment lately.
oh, and i'm now firmly in the not christian camp. i read some bertrand russell and agreed with him wholeheartedly. perhaps i'll be a jeffersonian christian. very different from the regular kind.
that's all.


"Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society," Bush said in his weekly radio address. "Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all."

yeah, he's basically saying "we're perfect here in america and we can't ever do anything wrong ever, no way, i'm not listening naaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm not listening naaaaaaaaaaa!" it's straight up political pandering because he's scared of losing the majority in the house and senate. imagine that, having to actually work with others instead of just making sure your party keeps voting with you. interesting concept and one i just don't think our esteemed ape can bend his head around.
and for all you financial conservatives out there, don't vote republican. somewhere, somehow, they've become the big spenders of the party system. seriously. maybe it's the fact that the spinelessness of the democrats means they'll never spend any money on a war or two since they wouldn't get into a fight to save their lives. thing that drives me nuts at present (it changes a lot) is the fact that i have to chose between two parties that really don't represent what i believe in.


the bed is too short to begin with; we've added pillows; my feet hang off the end. my dislike for people who won't protect the environment "just in case" is growing. it's like Pascal's wager with God's existence. Logically it may or may not be true but believing it saves you from making the wrong choice. It's the argument of ultimate cynical thinking but it does work out. if you'd like, take the iriquois maxim that you must consider how your actions will affect the seventh generation to follow you.
who cares if we have to pay the extra money now if it will ensure that future generations will inherit a cleaner, and ideally still habitable, earth? i'm dead ass broke and i could still part with $100 every year to secure that future. why not require that some foreign aid be put into protecting the environment from global warming in developing countries, too?
hell, we make wars to prevent bad events in the future but refuse to make even a tiny effort to stop the death of every major seaport in america and the world. that's the thing that's going to hurt the world more in the shorter term. global climate change will desertify great areas eventually but it will displace the populations of london, brussels, new york, bombay, shanghai, tokyo, large portions of rome (including the vatican staff and pontiff), st. petersburg, alexandria and the nile delta until almost 1/4 of the way through egyptian territory and way too many others to list. when you think about the numbers of people in the orient alone it is staggering. over 30 million people would be displaced by the evacuation of tokyo, bombay and shanghai alone. and don't forget those are some of the richest farming areas in the world! so now you've got to find a way to farm the gobi desert (a dramatization to be sure but only slightly off the mark) with decreased rainfall in a lot of areas and increasingly harsh weather in general.
so why aren't we even TRYING to solve this problem here? we're the leading polluter for at least the next few years. what the fuck kind of good reason is there not to TRY?!? just try. don't bury your head in the fucking sand!!!
i'll give you a hint about why we refuse to spend any federal money to combat a possibly life-ending problem, it involves one of two things: making sure we can still go thermonuclear anytime we want or the fact that we've taken it upon ourselves to kill everybody else first.