myriad of the mundane


i have come to realize that there are certain factors of my life that i prefer to have remain constant in order that i can endure the many changes that occur. i think sara is probably the most important of these. i've been missing her so much since she went back to school. you know how you get into those comfortable rythms of life without even realizing it? her going back to school made me realize it. she's pure ace.
that is all.


alright, i'm back from spring break. my little sis was out so i had to spend every moment possible with here and sara, of course. i'm sitting here waiting anxiously for my motorcycle and chemistry class to start. i want to get them both finished and move on to the next thing. i'm nervous about it all, really. i have to update my availability at work now, too. god are the next few weeks going to be unhappy ones at work. i'm going to be busting over there just to make it in any semblance of time. but it'll be alright, i figure, because you never really do anything your first week of class anyway, right? right.
how are all of you out there doing?
i've been away from regular blogging i can't even remember what i used to write about. darn it!
had a great couple of glasses of wine with sara last night. always a good call if you ask me. i've begun to appreciate wine more now that i can drink it more often. i'm starting to develope a palate for it. and i love it, i do i do.
had an apex, a michael pozzan, and a woodinville(i think) last night. all good, all bigger reds. all pretty damned smooth, too. it's good stuff.
grapes are way better once they've been fermented.


got my chem. class at Shoreline and it's only costing me $966. oh, and labor on the new bike is the other big expense but then i'll have a newer bike that will (hopefully) keep running and run well. other benefit is that it's physically a larger bike. i may end up replacing the gas tank and seat when i get a few extra bucks here or there but that is of no importance to getting it running and ride-able. looking for that point in two weeks or less. tomorrow is the last day of my little stint and then it's off so that i can get down to pick my sister up friday morning at the airport. we'll have some good times, i think, so i can't wait.
what are you all going to do for spring/fall break? i only hope for climbing.
i really hope financial aid comes through for Bastyr. it's going to be so frikkin expensive otherwise i don't know how i'll make it work. loans, i guess.
anywho, talk to you all soon.
that is all.


you know what i hate and love at the same time? when you have to get out of bed but just don't have the will power to do so. awesome. i've now done that twice today. twice in one day!
i am so totally rolling.
i'm basically pulling what geezer and maja do with the two weeks on thing. i've got 13 days in a row and then a week and a half off or something. well...a week, i guess, and one day. i'm getting back at school i'm getting back at school i'm getting back at school...say it enough and i'll do it for sure, i think. turns out Edmonds CC doesn't offer the courses i need in the order i need them in. suck. so i'm going to go to Shoreline CC probably.
i think i'm ready to write down my thoughts more regularly again. i went through a period there where i didn't want to put my life down into writing so that i could forget it was happening the same way every week. you know that feeling? i don't know how i'm going to deal with being out of school and just working. i feel like i'm wasting something of myself away when i do that. part of why i could deal with being a career student. i watched "Stick It" again tonight. makes me want to go get outside and just climb on something. basically it's this bunch of climbers doing routes in the UK. beautiful footage and great bouldering make me want to go get outside and do some myself. i can't wait to have warmer weather. i'm not good enough to climb when the rock face is super wet yet, i'm not hardcore or anything. i'm going to get there, though. mostly because those guys are fukking ripped out! i've never seen such deltoids. so basically it's because i'm ridiculously concerned with how i look. in classic form for me, though, i'm not enough to really work at making myself better...should change that
that's all.


i've come to accept the fact that at this moment i want some friends but i'm just not in the mood to deal with all the stupid, annoying people to have friends. this isn't saying anything about you guys, of course, but more about people i've been meeting random places. i just feel disgusted by some people due to their stupidity. i need mental stimulation and i need knowledge to feel like i'm functioning normally and i just can't accept people who don't feel that way. if you're not into learning something new each day why are you here?
perhaps this is just because i've been seeing more of people who have given up on life or are content to live below their means. some just don't want to work hard enough to improve. that just baffles me. why would you limit yourself not based on intelligence but based on laziness?!? i'm known to be lazy but not at the expense of my future. complacency is easy to fall into but it's also what kills your chances in life.
and fat people annoy me at work. this isn't saying that if you're chubby or obese or whatever that i hate you it just means that you need to be sure to pick up after yourself when you go shopping. i seriously have to clean up after more XL-XXL guys that anyone else. just makes me think: maybe you're lazy and THAT is why you're fat, not your "genes." it's a subject i'm bitter about because i work retail. you realize you don't like certain groups based on their habits.
small people are a pain, too! it's like you owe them for being short and so you get to clean up after them. not so! i'm a small anymore and i can still manage to pick up after myself.
on the plus side i've got three or four long backpacking trips coming up this summer so we'll have some great pictures for you. first up is grand gulch with my brother and dad in april-may. utah is beautiful in the spring because it's not blazing hot yet but it's still warm. after that i've got trips to Denali National Park with Sara, Kodiak with a venturing crew and i'll be doing the Wonderland loop around the base of Mt. Rainier. the final is 100+ miles of hilly terrain and we're going to conquer it in 5 days. woot! my first century in one trip!!
long story short, i'll have some gorgeous pictures to show you all and hopefully i'll avoid becoming bear bait in Alaska.
how is everyone out there? i've been mondo busy with getting back into school and work so i've been delinquent here, sorry.
that is all.